my name is kristilyn
& my pronouns are they/them.
I have been making art my entire life. Currently, I'm in love with combining nostalgic and fantastical pop imagery with noxiously vibrant color palettes, and using them to create new worlds where there is room for everybody. Inspiration for my work is distilled from queer culture, life cycles, international folklore, retro animation styles, classic Art Nouveau illustrators and vintage toys.
In 2004, I earned a fancy Bachelors in Fine Arts from School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston via Tufts University. I'm probably part cat as I have lived many lives: a forest witch, a gem sweater adorned rockstar in Leslie and the Ly's, a modern day Tolouse-Lautrec, and a lo-fi cosplay nerd since 1999. However, I'm presently living my best life drinking tea with my lovely partner and our two cats.
Please get in touch with me at kristilynink@gmail.com if you have an illustration project in mind. I'm particularly interested in doing album art and poster art.